Below are the terms and conditions of ordering mastering &/or manufacture of CD or VINYL stock through DeltaDisc Manufacturing and StarDelta Mastering:
NB. Once you have received these T&C’s via our website, email or download and placed an order with us, you have therefore Read, Understood and Accepted the below.
All Mastering & Manufacturing quotes are valid for 3 months only and all prices quoted are EX VAT unless specifically mentioned. Written quotes are available upon request.
Payment is due immediately on receipt of any invoice from DeltaDisc or Stardelta Mastering unless any credit terms have been otherwise agreed in advance. Invoices are emailed to the email address we are communicating with unless otherwise specified.
Additional mixes:
Instrumentals, radio edits, acapellas etc. run with the same settings are charged at 50% of the original for each pass. This may vary for masters involving tape transfers, as more tape will need to be used in mastering the versions.
Revisits to masters:
One Revisit of any master is included in the price. This is normally not necessary if the mix is as you want it. Good communication of what you do and don’t want from mastering is essential to getting the result you desire.
If however, after mastering, you have to supply a new mix to achieve the desired result, this is chargeable at the original rate.
Good advice can be obtained by reading our pre-mastering-advice mix and submission guidelines on and an agreed selection of suitable reference material is also helpful if you are after something very specific. With Vinyl single deals (including free masters for digital release) the mastering of the vinyl and digital is done in the same session and you will be sent the digital versions after the session. If you want to approve the digital before the vinyl is cut then we charge £25.00+VAT per track to do this. Please specify at the time of order if you require this.
We advise all vinyl clients, where budget allows, to purchase a reference acetate from us before requesting test pressings from the factory prior to manufacture. This is double security that you are going to be 100% happy with the vinyl mastering and cutting.
We cannot accept any liability for technical issues arising as a result of not having done so. Any re-cut required post manufacture, without having gone through the test pressing process, will be charged at the normal rate.
If you have ANY doubt as to how to submit your masters to us then please see our Pre mastering advice here – If you do not adhere to these guidelines it may result in an extra cost to you.
Vinyl Mastering:
If you require digital masters for approval before the cutting of the lacquer (For Vinyl Single with free digital masters. Up to 4 tracks only as specified in the deals) – these will be charged at £25 +Vat per track. If you are happy for us to cut and master at the same time, your digital masters will be sent to you after the cut for free. This does not apply to vinyl & CD album deal prices, which do not include free digital masters.
Turnaround times:
Mastering: Normal turnaround is 3-4 working weeks from Payment of invoice unless stated otherwise. Please let us know in advance the dates & times of any particular deadlines. Please contact us first to discuss this if you have any special turnaround requirements, as we will always try to meet your deadlines if realistically possible.
NB. PLEASE DO NOT PUT ‘ASAP’ as the deadline date for an order as this is of no use to us or you! Everyone wants their masters returned as soon as possible. Please take into account our general turnaround time and give us a realistic deadline if you actually indeed do have one.
Manufacturing: Turnaround is as standard up to 18-20 Working days per stage: e.g. 18 – 20 WD from delivery of lacquers to plant until the shipping of Test Pressings; then 25 working days from approval of TP to final stock delivery. * Again please contact us in plenty of time to discuss if you have special requirements. We would always recommend that you work at least 3 months ahead of your ideal release date to avoid any problems. (Lead Times given here accurate as of Dec. 2014 – please enquire for more accurate dates)
* Subject to change especially around the lead up to Christmas
MCPS/Licensing Info:
It is the SOLE responsibility of the client to provide us with any necessary MCPS license forms: AP1/AP2 or a ‘Notice of No Claims’ form. Any costs incurring from failure to provide these forms is entirely down to the label/client.
All manufacturing through DeltaDisc will be produced from lacquers cut at Stardelta only.
All artwork for release must be submitted in CYMK colour scale in a flattened PDF format (no layers) with a 3mm bleed and to any specifications and conditions made on the template supplied unless previously discussed. If you are submitting a template not from our plant then any re-checks, errors or costs incurred as a result will the liability of the client
All responsibility to check that artwork is correct on the templates and ready to print before delivery to the pressing plant lies with the client and their designer. If there are changes or amendments once it has been delivered it to the pressing plant by Deltadisc and there are costs incurred as a result (such as re-checks etc.), this will be payable by the client.
Any amendments by us/ or our in- house designer will be charged at £50 p/hour with a minimum job time of one hour.
If you do want us to be involved in the design and concept of the artwork then this can be arranged with our in house designer, job by job, via email at the rate of £50 p/h.
All artwork must be submitted with the premasters and/or Purchase Order. Your order will not commence until we have all relevant parts necessary to begin.
If you require a PDF proof this will be charged at £20 Ex Vat per item. See bottom for colour scale info
Release information / Technical Specification:
All relevant release information (Artist, title, Catalogue number, Track order, Label etc.) for mastering must be submitted to StarDelta either through our web ordering system or as an official Purchase Order.
All technical specification and relevant information (Units required, technical spec. of release etc.) for manufacturing must be submitted to DeltaDisc in the form of an official Purchase Order.
Any issues that arise from incorrect information submitted or information not submitted via these two methods will not be the responsibility of Stardelta / Deltadisc and neither company shall be held liable for any financial remuneration or additional costs incurred as a result. The client will be liable and invoiced for any additional costs incurred.
The above must be submitted to Deltadisc prior to the commencement of the job. Your job will not commence until we have all the relevant parts necessary to begin.
Over/Under Orders:
All vinyl jobs are subject to a possible over or under order to the amount of +/- 10% of the total number of units ordered (max 500 units). The effectively delivered amount will be charged or refunded (as credit on next job) to the client (possibly in a second invoice after quarterly accounting).
Colour Scale info:
4/4 is pronounced “four over four” and means there are four ink colours applied to the front of the piece and four ink colours applied to the back. These four colours are not just random colours – they are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and BlacK, also known collectively as CMYK. CMYK printing is also called four colour process or four colour printing and is used to generate what we know as full colour printing. So a printed piece designated as 4/4 has the four CMYK ink colours applied to it on both sides.
4/1 is pronounced “four over one” and means one side of the printed piece has the four CMYK ink colours applied to it but the other side only receives one ink colour. In most cases this single ink colour is black but it could also be a PMS spot colour, so it is always best to further identify the single colour when using the 4/1 designation.
4/0 is pronounced “four over zero” and means one side of the printed piece has the four CMYK ink colours applied to it but the other side has no ink – it is completely blank.
1/1 is pronounced “one over one” and means both sides of the printed piece receive one ink colour each. Again, this single colour is commonly black but it could be any PMS spot colour. Likewise, 1/0 is pronounced “one over zero” and means one side of the printed piece has a single ink colour applied to it but the other side is completely blank.
Less common designations are 2/2 and 2/1, which will need more clarification as to which colours the numbers 2 and 1 stand for. The 2 could be two PMS Spot ink colours or one PMS Spot ink colour and black. Likewise, the 1 could be black, one of the Spot colours used on the front or a different Spot colour. For this reason, using the 2/2 or 2/1 designations will require that all the corresponding colours be clearly listed.
Hopefully you found the above explanation helpful. If you have any other questions about printing in full colour, two colours, one colour or any other printing or ink related questions, we are always happy to help. Just give us a call or send us an email.