After you have read our mix and submission guidelines and want to proceed in ordering , click on the Web orders page. Once we have received your order and upon receiving your premaster mixes we will listen to them carefully before beginning your session and, if necessary, call you to discuss any issues and suggested changes that, if still possible, may be best taken care of at the mix stage rather than left until mastering.
Feel free to email or call and we will be more than happy to discuss your project with you.
Tel: +44 (0) 1647 252 895*
*recently changed.
Please send all CD’s/DVD’s/USB sticks/files in the correct format and appropriately labeled (please see our guidelines page/pdf) to:
Stardelta Audio Mastering
(please call or email for mailing address)
Please us our Web Shop and FTP here to order your job and submit your files.